Ludovico Einaudi – music for the soul

The first time I was listening to a song by Ludovico Einaudi, I was sitting in a workshop room as a delegate and I was asked to reflect upon something. And I think it tells a lot that I can rather remember the music than the task. Since then, his music a constant companion in all facets of my life.

I also use his music during reflection times in workshops or during guided sessions. For me it helps me to intensify the experience. The emotions that arise while reflecting are stronger and more vivid. Moreover, I feel as if I have more energy when listening to his music. Sometimes, I just want to see what’s in my head and I turn on his music and let the experience begin.

But be careful, it can either intensify good feelings, but it can also intensify bad feelings. So, if you feel you get sucked into a certain mood you don’t want to be in, turn off the music. However, sometimes it can be enlightening what you learn from reflecting about negative issues.

Sometimes, I use my last hour of the day to listen to his songs, either in a meditative state observing my thoughts, or focusing on each piece of the song. What instruments are there? How did he use them? What effect do they have on me? And sometimes I just get lost =)

If you ever have the chance to listen to him live, don’t hesitate. Though, I think it is best to experience him in a concert hall. My sister even used one of his songs during her wedding ceremony. And yes, that was the moment I cried out of happiness.

Music has the power to create wonderful moments, to teach us and to bring us closer to nature and other humans. Ludovico Einaudi’s music is a beautiful example what this art form can achieve. And of course, I don’t want to leave you without giving you a chance to listen to one of his songs.

Enjoy and take care =)

Ludovico Einaudi – Night

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Bill Chance says:

    I heard Ludovico Einaudi on the online station Radio Paradise and fell in Love. Amazing music.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If you have the chance see him live. And bring your friends or family or both with you =)


  2. I just wrote a post about him. I first heard him in 2013 I believe. I cant even recall how, I just remember it was Divenire and my sister must have suggested him. It sounded so beautiful it was like listening to a song about life.


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